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  • themadrussian
    Mar 17, 07:13 PM
    iPhone 4's are everywhere here in CA. They used to be unique, now the only comment is... "oh you have the one with a bad antenna."

    Steve's denial might work for him and his lemmings, but the general public is more aware than any Apple enthusiast would care to admit. Me? I simply reach into my other pocket and show them my new HTC Inspire, those are the popular phones where I live.

    Public perception overrides how the phone actually performs every time. It's human nature.

    It's a shame that the "4G" on the Inspire is slower than the 3G on the iPhone 4, especially in upload speed (since the Inspire is mysteriously crippled and lacking in HSUPA support and the iPhone 4 is not). Shrug.

    And for what it's worth, my iPhone 4 consistently outperforms all of my friends' Android and Win7 phones (Droid A855, HTC Incredible, HTC HD7, HTC Evo 4G) in just about every way (battery life, reliability, network speed and connection reliability). Of course, your location can have a big impact on your experience with certain devices, and it helps that I'm in a city with outstanding AT&T service.

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  • hob
    Jan 9, 02:22 PM
    I just PM'ed Arn

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  • macbwizard
    Mar 28, 02:26 PM
    Good. I'm all in favor of Apple adding more incentives for devs to embrace the Mac App store. As a consumer I really like the idea of an App Store that makes buying and installing as easy as one click as well as fostering competition between comparable apps.

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  • nim23
    Apr 16, 09:51 AM


    That definitely looks fake!

    Completely different materials used, extremely controversial shape and very un-apple like features...

    Plus there is no substance to it, maybe just a cover for the current iPhone?


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  • chaosbunny
    May 4, 03:16 AM
    ... if it had accurate stylus input.

    Sign! With this an iPad would be interesting for me for drawing. A stylus beats fingers for drawing, the Egypts knew that 5000 years ago, but seems like Steve doesn't.

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 16, 04:43 PM
    Hello everybody :),

    I'm the autor of these pictures. I've made this with 3dsmax and Vray render. Photoshop has been just use to create the noise and resize the pictures.

    For the perspective problem on the third pics, it's just a lens distortion of my camera.
    Stop search, it's just a 3D render exercise.

    I'm happy to see that my work unleashed passions but it's A FAKE.

    To have more information, see : http://iphone4fake.over-blog.com

    Now we have just to wait June to see the real truth.

    (Sorry for my english, i'm french ^^ )

    Thanks for clearing that up, and I have to say, it is quite nice :)

    So, how about those metal ones on the Foxcon(s) (check the label, looks like an "n" has been ripped off)


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  • zephxiii
    Dec 19, 08:31 PM
    CDMA is not even close to being the dominate tech in cellular in China.

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  • jzuena
    Oct 6, 12:28 PM
    First, Apple must build an iPhone that will work on Verizon's CDMA network (iPhone is GSM & HPDA), OR Verizon must upgrade their network to handle GSM/HDMA. I don't thing either will ever happen.

    I think first Verizon has to back a truck full of money up to Apple's campus, then Apple has to build a CDMA iPhone :D


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  • davepoint
    Aug 9, 12:31 PM
    This has been a continual problem with the 23". With decent color management you can "fix" the cast by changing the RGB values sent to the monitor in an effort to counterbalance the pink. This has limitations, however, and tends to impact the overall consistency of color reproduction.

    Most color-savvy companies will agree that the 20" and especially the 30" are more suited to color-managed workflows. Hopefully this new generation fixes that.

    The pink cast etc are the main things holding me back, and even if they are 'really' fixed with this revision there's still the dodginess of whether or not you're getting a new or old revision. I suppose if you buy direct from the apple store that would be less of an issue but then it's a hassle if you need to return it etc

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  • hob
    Jan 9, 01:35 PM
    Command + R are my new friends. Although I'm not sure they like me hitting them so much... :rolleyes:

    Oh, and in reply to the guy who is going to give up at 8,

    please don't put spoilers on here if you do take a look. That would not make me happy after all this waiting! :)
    You think I'd be that harsh?! I'm almost offended :P

    I'm just trying this this time round... not sure I'll want to do it again. But maybe... depends how good the pay-off is in comparison. I have a feeling the stream will be horrendous to watch until tomorrow at the earliest... Which I can't wait for!


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  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 08:22 AM
    The links from that iTunes Videos thing DO NOT point to any movies. They point to iPod versions of movie trailers. It's just a consolidation of the current content.

    But saying that doesn't matter because people aren't reading the thread.

    LOL Chundles, looks like your the ring leader for the evening. :p

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  • darthraige
    Dec 13, 01:38 PM
    Immediately after Christmas? So 12/26? I doubt it. Hoping for the announcement at their keynote in January. Although, I have been saying that every January since the iPhone first debuted.


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  • linux2mac
    Mar 24, 08:42 PM
    As a switcher in I feel I have to give a big thanks to Microsoft and Windows Vista - after all, if Vista hadn't been so terrible, I might not have switched ;)


    Same here. Went to Linux then to Mac.

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  • juststranded
    Oct 17, 09:33 AM
    Being completely serious, the porn industry has a lot to do with it.

    VHS vs. BETAMAX, BETAMAX was teh better product, but the porn industry went with VHS and thus forced it into production more than BETAMAX.

    Bluray vs. HD DVD, Bluray is better, and teh porn industry has gone with Blueray. I think between all teh competitors and the porn industry Bluray will stick this one out and win it.

    Apple may also just be waiting it out a little longer to see which one is looking stronger. Yes, putting Bluray in Macs would help Bluray to win, but if they put them in, and HD DVD wins, there's a few millions Macs out there with onsolete drives in them that can't play the standard HD format disc.

    I'll give it 6 months befre Apple chooses one or the other officially to put into their machines.


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  • 4nNtt
    Oct 5, 02:04 PM
    If I were to build my own house, I think the laundry room would be the central point. It would be a big room where clothes are stored and laundered. No other closets, just a big open area for everything else. Except the toilet. That can have a room of its own.

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  • Mal
    Jan 15, 05:39 PM
    Rentals should be $2 MAX.

    Show me one other place you can get good quality online downloaded rentals on-demand with instant start for $2, and then come back and complain.

    I love the idiocy of the moaning in this thread, from people's own created ideas of what should be, instead of being pleased with the great new stuff that did come out.

    And for those moaning about the MBP, it's likely that they will be updated quietly next week now that new chips are available. Why would Steve want to take away from his big deal with a minor bump?



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  • bselack
    Sep 25, 11:53 AM
    Look at the new requirements page...


    Apple must have tweaked it VERY much. Will make it available to more people based on the new hardware and expanded video support.

    Even the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra and Intel Mac Mini.

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  • Gugulino
    Mar 31, 04:52 PM
    What kept me often from buying apps was the too complicated paying system: You have to register, give them the number of your credit card, remember the password of the login and so on. The MAS makes this a lot easier and safer. Apple's decision to only allow MAS apps for the Design Award is to push developers to publish their apps on the MAS. What's wrong with that?

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  • chrono1081
    Mar 17, 11:32 PM
    OP I completely sympathize.

    I have friends who cell cell phones and I'm always hearing how their droids are better than my iPhone...but what I also hear is non-stop complaining about the droids being slow, or such and such not working on it. I always say things like "Funny, I never have problems with my iPhone". (My friends all assume that since I use an iPhone I know nothing about Android (surprise! I develop for both platforms!)).

    It can get worse with computers. I'm a windows desktop and server tech and I almost lost my job simply because a co-worker found out I had a mac, went to my boss and told him that I obviously wasn't good with computers since I needed to use an "easier, less capable" machine. My boss called me into his office (mind you this is my personal computer at home!) and asked me about it. Luckily not only was I able to show my work was excellent, but I also sold my boss on a mac who know owns one thanks to me and wonders why he didn't try them sooner.

    Its amazing how foolish people can be over a stupid piece of electronics.

    Mar 6, 01:25 PM
    Apple doesn't invent. Apple refines.


    I think this is the key point for this argument. Apple, true, did not introduce the first touch screen phone. However, they blew the lid off the touchscreen phone market when introducing the iPhone.

    They didn't make the first portable music player with the iPod - but they refined what was there, gave it a good interface and changed the way the world transports and listens to music.

    They didn't invent tablet computing - but still they made the iPad and spread a once-dead market segment wide open.

    It's not that they invent, though they certainly are innovative, so much as they refine concepts that are already there. And as far as people saying, "everybody copies Apple!" there is more truth to that than you might think - building a tablet computer isn't necessarily copying Apple so much as jumping on the bandwagon once Apple invigorates the market. In that sense, they copy Apple. They ignore a market before because they cannot tap it successfully; Apple does, so then they jump in with drastically similar features.

    Apple has single-handedly plowed many technological roads; the roads were already there, but Apple more or less opened them up.

    Aug 8, 08:32 AM
    Be careful! wnurse may not have gotten a nap, and can get very cranky when people point out differences between Dell and Apple monitors. ;)

    Seriously though, wnurse, lighten up and chill out! :cool:

    Actually stoid, i really don't care about Dell monitors or Apple's for that matter. It's not a religious matter to me. I'm apple worst nightmare. A customer that is not passionate about their products. I would drop apple in a minute if something better comes along or something just as good with a cheaper price (hence the dell monitor). I just hate to read people making comments like "if you think apple monitors are expensive, enjoy your sucky dell monitor". It's annonying and childish. You have no idea on the quality of Dell or anyone else monitor. That was not the bad part.. that's ok, not everyone knows everything.. then when someone points out something to you, you attack without any facts. Maybe I was rough with you but I think my initial post was gentle.. I only got rough when you when into auto robot apple fanboy mode.
    Apple fans are supposed to be different, think different. I thought that meant using our brains and being smarter than the average mindless pc sheep. To me, apple fans are mindless sheep just like the PC users, except they like apple products. I'm a user of apple products and unless windows dramatically improves, i intend to continue buying apple computers but it doesn't blind me to specific faults of the system. Just as I appreciate Apple strengths, I am aware of their weaknesses. Saying an Apple monitor is affordable is disingenius. This attitude is what has allowed apple to basically steal our money because they know the apple fanbase will not protest. I don't mind paying a premium for apple computers (actually, i did pay a hefty premium for my G5 computer) but paying a premium for a monitor?.. what?.. apple monitors crash less than Dells? (tongue in cheek here.. i know monitors don't crash). Maybe Apple monitors do not contract viruses as often as Dells (haha, funny). I mean, other than a nice case and the apple logo, exactly what am i paying for here?. I guess I would stop bitching if Apple made a 30 inch for graphic professionals and a 30 inch for the rest of us (although i doubt the Dell panels cost less than the apple panels so that might not be a price break anyway). It breaks my heart really that i had to resort to getting a Dell monitor (actually, at the time, Dell 20 inches were $609, apple 20 inch was over $1200). I couldn't imagine paying twice for basically the same thing but with an apple logo and a nice case.

    Mar 24, 08:08 PM
    Windows has been downhill since DOS.

    Pardon? Want to try that again?

    Mar 25, 12:23 AM
    Happy Birthday!:apple::D

    Mar 16, 04:16 AM
    The entire industry is one big Apple "fanboi", bud. What Apple does, everyone else moves to copy or get it on. My "bubble" is the entire tech industry where it concerns the average user.

    What's "silly" is the Apple fansite bubble. Apple fansites on the ass-end of the net with their loveable little geek contingent perpetually out of touch with the actual market.

    Step into 2011. It's all about Apple and where they're taking the industry.

    This is nonsence. If the average user was interested in just Apple, then why are Apple on a lesser market share for pretty much... everything but MP3 players? How come Android is proving more popular?

    I've said this before, and I'll say it again. THIS IS NOT AN APPLE FANSITE! Please go elsewhere if you wish to praise the mighty Apple endlessly. This site is for news and discussion based around Apple products. Not for fans to blow their load.

    I'm in 2011. And I'm seeing Android beat iOS in the mobile world, and slowly creeping up in the tablet world. I'm seeing OS X being turned from a pretty advanced OS to an App riddled toy. I'm seeing Apple discontinue server services. I'm seeing Apple making silly mistakes such as clock bugs and adding social networks to media players. I'm seeing Apple still not improve MobileMe.